Jevice ft Baek Min Hyuk - Love Virus
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Sumber gugel : mak dan anak2nya |
seperti biase, untuk sinopsis.. kite gugel je la.. hihi "A heart warming family drama about a mother named Yoon Bok Hee (Bae Jong Ok) who goes from being a market merchant to a billionaire loan shark suffering from Alzheimer's and how she raising her children who struggle to grow up in such situation to run their family business and take care their mother. Go Young Chae (Jung Yoo Mi) is a designer and the oldest daughter of Yoon Bok Hee. She is spoiled and argumentative, the kind of girl which often described as a princess. She will be at odds with Jang Hoon Nam (Jung Gyu Woon), a nice guy and the second son of a clothing factory family who lost his parents at an early age and cares for his hearing-impaired brother. Because of his own strong sense of responsibility, he tries to make Go Young Chae into a better person and in the process falls in love with her"
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Sumber gugel : Jang Hoon Nam & Go Young Chae |
So macam mana? dah jatuh hati tak tengok Jang Hoon Nam yang ensem tu? so jom berangan jadik go young chae... sebab Luna rase at the end mesti dorang ni together.. hahaha.. meh nak cerita sikit... go young chae ni anak orang kaya yang sangat manje.. pastu ade 2 orang adek lelaki yang same jugak spoiled macam dia Go Young Soo & Go Young Joon.. bile mak dorang dapat tahu yang die ade penyakit Alzheimer, penyakit do mak dorang pon plan untuk palsukan yang dorang bankrupt.. sumenye untuk buat anak2 die sedar dan belajar berdikari..
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sumber gugel : haha.. scene klaka.. |
Anyway.... skarang baru episode 8.. total episode drama ni 48... arghh.. tak saba nak habiskan... lagi2 ade skarang ni ade watak misteri.. "Min Soo".. Min soo ni anak kepade Yoon Bok Hee yang hilang... tertanye2 ni sape laa die.. Jang Hoon Nam ke..?? hmmm.. nak kerje pon teringat-ingat tau!! haa.. ni la bahane kalau tengok korean drama.. oklah... jom layan lagu ni pulak..
Shin Jae - Wont do that kind of love
ptsss... boleh tak tdo seminggu marathon drama ni! >.<